Skin Problems

During the last 10 years when the sun came out and there was an increase in temperature, I developed a painful, and extremely itchy rash with blisters, on my hands, arms, chest and back. Occasionally it even affected my face. I used various anti histamine tablets, and prescribed steroid creams, which did not seem to improve my skin condition.


A friend suggested I contact Amanda for allergy testing and bio resonance.
Following testing it turned out I had intolerance to a number of foods and substances and not the sun. My symptoms were treated with bio-resonance. Subsequently, I omitted these foods from my diet and after 4 sessions of bio resonance my skin was clear.
The good news is that I can now go outside on sunny days and maybe even go abroad on holiday thanks to Amanda and bio resonance. I would highly recommend bio-resonance to anyone suffering with skin problems.