Saliva testing has been used to assess an increasingly broad range of allergies and medical conditions, Saliva samples are easier to collect, store and ship than blood or urine samples. Saliva testing is also non-invasive, and more user-friendly, particularly when a series of samples is required.
You will need:
- A new clean 10ml brown glass bottle, with a plastic lid. Do not use plastic or larger bottles.
- A clean plastic spoon.
- Aluminium kitchen foil
- A plastic bag that can be sealed
- A padded envelope for postage
How to obtain your saliva sample:
- Do not take any medication or consume any alcohol during the evening or night before your sample. If possible don’t take any medication the previous day.
- In the morning prior to eating or drinking spit into the plastic spoon.
- Pour the contents into the glass bottle.
- Seal the bottle and rinse with cold water. Dab the bottle dry with kitchen towel.
- Wrap it well in several layers of foil with the shiny side out.
- Place it into a sealed plastic bag and then into a jiffy bag.
- Do not store the bottle by a telephone, mobile phone, computer, electrical appliances, electric cables, or car engine electrics.
- Keep it cool especially if there is a delay in posting.
- All known allergies, medical conditions, medication and supplements must be disclosed in your consultation and medical questionnaire.
- Any suggestions, recommendations and information supplied by us must only accepted if you are prepared to take responsibility for checking into any possible interactions and contraindications with any medication you are taking. This can be done by reading leaflets provided with your medication, and also check with your doctor.
- As with any medical drug, you must immediately stop any therapy that causes an adverse reaction. Start any therapy products at a low dose and increase gradually to recommended dosage.
- Call for emergency help from your doctor or hospital should the need arise.
- The device we use is a research/investigative tool, not recognized by UK orthodox medicine. However, in Germany where this therapy originated it is widely accepted and used by many medical doctors.
- The testing results cannot be considered a diagnosis.
- Saliva samples enable us to research Ph values, energetic disregulation etc.
- This testing does not replace thorough medical investigations and treatments by your doctor, and is not a prescription for self-treatment.
- If anything of significance is detected you will be advised to consult your doctor for further investigations.
For any further information please contact Amanda on 07818 415516.