Distance Saliva Test – Basic


Saliva test – Based on priority symptoms with two months supply of harmonised tablets.



At Amanda Gwynne Consultancy the known accuracy, and benefit of distance testing using saliva samples has led to an increase in demand. I am happy to announce that this method of testing and harmonising is now available for all complaints, and ailments that would normally benefit from one to one bio-resonance treatment. The package includes a full report of all test results, a Skype or WhatsApp video interview to discuss findings, and two months supply of harmonised homeopathic tablets, plus P & P.

New Consultation Form

FormA form called New Consultation will be offered for download after your order is placed.

This is a document in PDF format and can be completed in two ways:

  1. Print the form and complete in ink and post or bring along to Bioresonance Therapy for the consultation.
  2. Save to computer and open in Adobe Reader DC, and then use the Fill & Sign feature from the right column to complete the form. This way the completed form can be returned to Bioresonance therapy by email.

Additional information

Weight .5 kg